Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Deafies and their bulls*&t about Cochlear Implants

Ok here I am in the middle of my daily face-booking and I find a video attached to one of my friends facebook page. I click on it and watch the video on how she is an expert on research stating that she has a Masters of Science from San Diego University in the field of Rehabilitation counseling. how she had this awesome gpa of 3.8 and they taught her how to do research in the form APA style. she states that she learned a ploicy of "no fact, no statement" but then she goes on about how she called the NIDCD, NIH and many more, she even called the FDA, did research on internet on Cochlear implants and their success rates and found that they didnt have any information on that particular field of interest. she states that they do not have any statistics on the success rates.

If she were a true researcher she would have contacted the people who deal with it on daily basis, The audiologist!!!

I even tried to leave a comment on her youtube site haha to my surprise it wasnt approved !

I sent her the following email :


I am deeply concerned that you are trying to persuade people away from getting a CI by informing them of bogus research information.

As a HOH/Deaf person, having graduated from MSSD, and the University of Utah, Portland State University. I have one BA and one BS.

I will not go further in my education career due to the fact that I do not desire to do so.

I saw your video linked to one of my friends facebook page and clicked on it. 3 minutes into the video my jaw dropped to the floor! If you are a true researcher and scholar you would not have made the statement that you made. you would have put your own personal beliefs to the side. that is what they teach you to do in graduate school. Most of my friends have phd's, md, mph. they have all agreed with my statements that I am making to you. there is no way that you could have found that information by calling or researching on the www. especially the government agencies such as the NIH, FDA and so on. You would have to talk to the people who deal with the CI on a daily basis. AUDIOLOGIST'S, ENT, OTOLARYNGOLOGISTS, or Neurotologist. they are the people who see the results of the CI...

I have done my own research and found that only 9% of 378,000 implantees are unsuccessful.
They have concluded that it was due to a number of things, such as their audio nerve had been damaged to an extent that it was useless, or that some of them didnt have any hearing whatsoever and expected to have hearing automatically! it doesnt work that way. It works best if you have had some degree of hearing and speech training previously.

I am going to go through the CI adventure, this is due to me losing my hearing very rapidly and I have a very good job and feel that I would lose it if I became all the way deaf. I hope to benefit from it as much as I have with my hearing aids. the hearing aid is only an amplifier, the CI actually makes your auditory nerve work the way it is supposed to.

I have thought long and hard about this venue that I am about to take! I have a lot of deaf friends and hearing friends that are against CI, and have a lot of deaf and hearing friends who are for it. I am going through a lot of stuff right now with dealing with judgements from them and it is hard, but I thought you know what "It is my decision" if my friends don't like it they weren't really my friends in the first place.

Really, think about what you are about to say on the VLOGS that you do and make sure you have the facts straight before you do one!


I am glad that I wrote it to her maybe she will stop and think before she does another VLOG..

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