Tuesday, July 21, 2009

My doctor is an idiot!

Ok, I went to the doctor for my tinnitus and all he could tell me is "You have swelling in your middle ear" We can give a steroid to make the swelling go down. first of all, I dont believe him because he didnt even look in my ear, second of all he only talked to me for maybe 2 minutes the whole time I was there. I was being treated by his P.A. , which is fine but the least he could have done was look in my ear and talk to me like I was a human not some freaky thing looking for pain meds! I listened to what he had recommended that I take to help the swelling. I about had a heart attack ! It was the drug I vowed never to take in my life! Prednisone....dum de dum dum ! I hate what it does to people as far as side effects but it really does help people with arthritis but at a cost. But it failed to help me at all, still have ringing in my ear! GRRRRR!

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