Thursday, September 9, 2010

Moving along quickly.

I have been home all day due to my migraine hitting me like a fucking freight train! I cant wait for my pain management appointment to get this under control. I had to miss school all day. I think my bruxism (grinding of the teeth) brought it on. Anyway, I just talked with my mom like I normally do every night ( I try to stay in touch with her as much as I can) and I came to a realization while talking with her and James a little earlier. I am finally at peace with losing my hearing, I got so worked up over it that it had made me extremely irritable, bitchy, and not fun to be around. (sorry James, I will work on it!) I have come to terms with the fact that I am indeed going deaf and it is not the end of the world. Of course I will be getting the implant to replace the hearing that I had in that ear to even more awesome levels. its going to be a new course of discovery for me all over again. at least now I know what to expect with this adventure. Such as, the course of surgery, recovery, and rehabilitation. I am looking forward to it, like a kid on Christmas morning.

Earlier tonight I made my droid phone into a music player and hooked it up to the implant. Wow, I was not expecting to hear all the little scores of music that I had been missing from the long list of favorite songs of mine. I love Broadway musicals (at least I admit it!) I listened to Chorus line soundtrack, one of my favorite songs is the music and the mirror. I heard little sounds from the piano that I didn't hear before, and was quite taken aback from it. I am happy and proud to have gotten the implant, if I had to do it again, I would. oh yeah, I am!

I met someone that was hard of hearing yesterday at school who was hard of hearing like I used to be. She asked me lots of questions about it. She is losing her hearing and wants to explore the possibility of getting one. Her reason for not getting it done for real is her parents. They are part of the hard core deaf culture, and anti-cochlear implant. My response to her was that she should get it and not worry too much of what others think of her. We only have this one life and I want to experience it to its fullest.

Oh yeah, I found out the times and dates for everything to happen in regards to my implant. I have my post-op with my surgeon November 10th. Then the big day of activation is November 17th.

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