Saturday, August 28, 2010

The ear is at it again !!

Well I am going to first apologize for not updating this blog. I have had a crazy life since my last blog entry. I think I am just going to add some entries little by little to kind of fill in the blanks. Anyhoo, I just wanted to blog about my hearing and how it is going with the left ear implant. after I got my implant activated I had to have Aural Rehabilitation (rehab for the brain to learn to hear again) and I didn't think it was helping and a waste of my time and money. Now, I have the utmost respect for aural rehab, it works.

Over the past couple months I have noticed that my right ear is not up to par. I thought it was allergies or congestion, then it happened, tinnitus! GRRRRR! I think I have mentioned how much I loathe the ringing, scraping, grinding, rattling, squishy sounds in my head before. Well, I hate it. In my own personal opinion it is my body telling me that my ear is dying.

I just made an appointment with my audiologist and ENT (ear, nose and throat doc) on the same day. They both told me that I am a candidate for the implant and that they would get the ball rolling to get the surgery date scheduled. As I left the office all I could think of was James and how patient he has been with me and how much he loves and supports me in everything that I do. I consider myself one of the luckiest people on this planet. I have a supportive partner, mother, brother, kids and friends. I am not worried about the surgery or losing my hearing in the right ear completely if the implant does not work. It couldn't be any worse than it is now. the only real big thin that I would miss is hearing on the phone but my ability to hear on the phone now is on a rapid decline. I am going to try and get some training on my left ear with the telephone, and "program" it to be able to hear on it. I am hopeful but I do realize that its gonna be a lot of work.

I am taking classes once again and start this Monday, I just hope that I don't screw anything up at school with my future implantation. I am only going to be in the hospital overnight and it should be routine like the other one, and I can deal with the activation throughout the school semester. I just really want to get into U of M and finish my degree, asap.

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