Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Day one of becoming borg!!

Well, I am Happy and thankful to many people.

My main supporter of my life would be James, the love of my life! I couldn't have done this or conjured up enough strength to have the cochlear implant. My Mom is another one of the supporters, making me cry on the phone, when she talks about what she did for me as kid and growing up. James was supportive in ways that I would never take for granted!

I kept everyone on my facebook up to date and got numerous well wishes : ) that gave me the realization how many friends that I do have!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Physical exam before surgery !!

Why do they have to have a phsyical exam before, i mean its just stupid that you have to have a different physician clear you before surgery !! cant the physician that is doing the surgery do the litmus test so to speak ?? its better to be safe than sorry ! I understand that part, but anyway !! I am having a Physical and a meningitis vaccine too. It is required to have been vaccinated before surgery.

so I am getting the Cochlear Nucleus 5 Implant. It has a lot more stuff that make your life easier and more hearing quality... I am going to be able to hear high pitch sounds. you can learn what you want to if you go here
I am getting the white one and the brown one ! I am getting nervous and excited about this adventure. the things i will be able to hear and have never heard before is going to be like a kid in a candy store !

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The big day !!

OK I have been bad about keeping this freaking blog going... but I have some news and advice to others that are seeking the life of bionics. Persistence is the big key in getting your surgery date fast! Others may have a harder time than I have had. Not only am I going to get an Cochlear Implant on my left ear, I am also having a fistula repair in my right ear. Perilymph fistula is a tear in the round or oval window leads to loss of perilymph into the middle ear. In my case it is leaking spinal fluid into my middle ear causing me to have terrible tinnitus and vertigo with nausea.

My surgery date is going to be 12/08/2009, at 4pm. which basically means that I am not gonna have breakfast or lunch or anything to drink for the whole entire day !!! grrrr but sacrifices are worth it.

I have to stay in the hospital overnight and should be able to go home the next day :)
I will probably be activated around the first week of January, or second.

I am overwhelmed I am just nervous that it is not gonna work! thats all!

I know that it is going to sound totally different so im preparing myself for that!
